Top 10 Myths about Helicopter Skiing

1. You have to jump out of the helicopter You might snicker at this one, but a surprising number of skiers think that we make you jump out of the helicopter. Unless your name is James Bond and you are in a hurry to chase some kind of demented snow villain down a mountain, there is no jumping out of the helicopter. Each run starts with the pilot landing the helicopter and before we unload. The biggest step you’ll make out of the helicopter is about the same size as taking a step out of an SUV. 2. You have to be a top-notch expert to go heli skiing This is another myth perpetuated by the movies. The reality is that most of our guests tend to ski at a strong intermediate to expert level. If you can ski a tough Blue Square run in any condition or a single Black Diamond with minor difficulties, then we can take you to heli ski terrain that fits you. O...